This Cookie Policy (the “Cookie Policy”) applies to the Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc. (“HBB”) Web Site located at www.hamiltonbeachcommercial.com, and all associated sites linked to www.hamiltonbeachcommercial.com. The Website is the property of HBB. BY USING THE WEBSITE, YOU CONSENT TO THE PLACEMENT OF COOKIES ON YOUR DEVICE AND TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS COOKIES POLICY; IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT USE THE WEBSITE.

General Information on Cookies

Cookies are very small text files that are stored on a user’s computer when a user visits a website. The function of the cookie and the length of time that the cookie is stored on your computer vary from website to website based on the policies and procedures of the website owners. A cookie may be used to improve services by (i) enabling a service to recognize your device so you do not have to give the same information several times during one task, (ii) recognizing that the user has a username and password for accessing the website so as to avoid requiring that the user reenter the username and password for every web page associated with the website, (iii) measuring the user’s use of the web pages on the Website to improve service levels or drive advertising, and (iv) to facilitate e-commerce transactions executed on the website.

HBB’s Use of Cookies

HBB’s Websites are designed to provide information to our consumers about the many wonderful products offered by HBB and HBB’s distributors, dealers and partners. Cookies from HBB’s Websites do not contain sensitive information and are only used by HBB or trusted partners. Cookies on HBB’s Websites may be used for logging the user’s IP address which is automatically recognized by the web server. Using Google Analytics and other analytical software, these cookies help HBB to accurately estimate the number of visitors to the website and the volumes of usage. HBB also uses cookies on the social media sites associated HBB’s Website when you share information using a sharing button or like button, or when you click on links on the Facebook, Twitter or other social media sites. The owner of the social media site may also use cookies for the operation of those linked sites. HBB is not in control of and not responsible for the creation of and functions of the cookies installed by social media sites that are owned by other companies. All cookies created by the HBB Website are deleted once the user closes their browser. You may remove any cookies which may have been already stored on your computer by navigating to your browser privacy options. Deleting cookies may prevent you from using this website.

The creation of cookies when using HBB’s Website cannot be disabled through any option on the website. For this reason, if the user does not consent to the creation of cookies then the user has the option to discontinue use of HBB’s Website. Cookies can be blocked by the user using the user’s privacy settings, however, HBB is not responsible for the effectiveness of this technique in preventing the creation of cookies on the user’s computer and HBB is not responsible for the performance of the website when cookies that are necessary for the operation of the website are blocked by the user’s browser settings.